While preparing to televise its final H.S. football game of 2011 between Eastlake North and Willoughby South, FOX Sports Ohio learned of Eastlake North's place kicker, Anthony Bagliano.
FOXSportsOhio.com's story that ran on MSN's main carousel packaged the story with a video and photo gallery less than 24 hours prior to the live game.
*The photo gallery was the 2nd-most visited in October, earning 8X the page views of the next-highest gallery.
*FOX Sports Ohio’s high school producer Jeff Platz put together a special video feature that aired during FOX Sports Ohio’s live telecast of the game as well as on FOXSportsOhio.com. This video had the most hits of any FOX RSN's site during the month of October.
*Despite being a battle of unranked teams, the Thursday streaming (run in parallel with live telecast) registered 3X the viewership of the previous three weeks, and was the 3rd most viewed video stream of the entire season.
“Bagliano has spent all four years of high school as a member of the Rangers football team.
He has spent his entire life with a right arm that is less than a foot long and consists of four fingers. His left is made up of three fingers located next to his shoulder.
Bagliano was born this way. His condition is officially known as Holt-Oram Syndrome. It affects not just the upper limbs, but the heart -- as Bagliano underwent four heart surgeries as an infant.”